Wednesday, November 5, 2008


A few weeks ago, Jay and I were driving to a friend's house and had to stop to fill up my car with gas. While the gas was pumping, I happened to glance up and see this sticker and noticed a moment later that the same sticker was on all of the pumps at this particular gas station: (the last word says Approval-not really important but just thought I'd throw that in there)

I immediately started cracking up, amazed that someone would make that mistake. I look over to the other side of the car only to see that Jay isn't laughing. Apparently, I have an odd sense of humor that makes me crack up when I see publicly posted gramatical errors.

After realizing that my hilarious discovery was in fact ... not that hilarious to my dear husband, I immediately set my sights on finding someone who would be as amused as I was.

We arrived at our friends house and I shared with them the once-thought funny photo taken of the sticker. Again .... no amusement.

I showed it to my family the following Sunday afternoon and finally received the laughter that I was hoping for from the start. (Almost a full week later)

So my question ... Is it really that weird that I'm so amused by the mistake of others (seriously, does no one proof read anymore before putting signs and stickers up at their place of work?) or did I just happen to show it to the wrong people?


Our Familary Medley said...

oh my-lanta you are definitely NOT weird seeing as when I saw it I about peed my nice jeans laughin so are perfectly normal...well sorta ;)

Brittany said...

Normal as far as this blog goes, right? haha

Scottish Heather said...


It is one of my pet peeves to see signs posted with spelling or grammatical errors!! It looks very bad on the business that is posting the sign. If it's something on a chalkboard (like in restaurants), I usually take it upon myself to make the correction.

So, you are not crazy for finding this sign funny - you are just intelligent!! :)

samunwritten said...

I think it's hilariously funny.

Have you seen this?

or this?

You might enjoy...

Megan said...

I can appreciate it! English teachers love this stuff and are ALWAYS amazed. =)

mckenna said...

I started laughing the minute I saw the photo, before I even read you post!! But I totally have a weird dry sense of humor. :)

Anonymous said...

i think it is pretty dang funny!!!

Amy said...

I thought it was funny the first time you told me.... and even more funny the second time I read it!

Hope you are feeling better!